Monday, November 26, 2007

One of Those

I know I'm not alone in this one. Tonight is one of those nights. I'm listening to some acoustic music, Phil Wickham and Shane and Shane trying to just relax. I wear stress in my back by my shoulders. It is like rubber bands pulling my muscles toward my spine. It is a confining feeling, just like mental stress. It never does any good, just holds me back. So as I think about how much is going on in my life and everything that needs to happen before Christmas, I also just try and relax tonight at 10:02PM. How is your night?


Miranda said...

that picture looks painful.

Jenni Clayville said...


i have those days... almost every day.

Lynne said...

maybe too much time on the keyboard...:0)

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate. I can stress in the same area of my body as well. It is very painful!