Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Snip Snip

I last cut my hair towards the end of April. Back then I was a suit wearing businessman.
So its been about 6 months. I know some of you are amazed but I did go 9 months without a cut between my freshman and sophomore years of college. So this isn't all that bad. There is no big reason for this change other than I'm sick of getting my hair out of my eyes. I'll give you an "after" picture tomorrow after the hacking is done. The wonderful locks of gold will go to the ground around 9:30am tomorrow.

So how short should I go?


deut-x said...

Have you seen how short mine is? Join the club! Except I keep mine this short for other reasons, to hide the big spreading bald spot on the back of my head.

Unknown said...

You should do two different lengths. One on each side of your head. You should go for some kind of rocker look, you are a worship star!

Miranda said...

personally, i'm all for shorter hair. like a preppy wanting to have a skater edge with the locks getting on the longer side... when it's too long, kinda looks more kurt cobain rather than chris tomlin... my female 2 cents.

Miranda said...

you should go to a salon and get a weave!

Anonymous said...

shave it!